Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I am in L-O-V-E

 Yes, I am in Love with my husband and my "new" kitchen.  Awhile back I showed you the evolving of the kitchen here, from dirty to clean, to painted cabinets, to new counter and floor, well I disliked the green walls with the new look.  Still loved the color but it was not jiving anymore and I was dying to have yellow.  My all time favorite color.    So here is the "new" look.   
 Thanks to my wonderful Mother for making my curtains,  they are so cute.  This picture does not do them justice,  I will have to take another one and post for you all to see  the cuteness.   Anyway I ordered my fabric from,  very reasonably priced fabric.  The idea for the curtains came from Pinterest,  love this kitchen. 
 My sweetheart brought me some old barn windows they were throwing out and wouldn't you know a few coats of paint and vinyl letters and WOW I have a very cheap decoration.  I have two more windows in the basement just waiting for me to transform them.
 Don't you just love the lighter wall color,  I know I do.  The decorating did not cost much mostly I just pulled things from the decoration closet and found new homes for it.  I am loving the airy, cottage look so much,  it sure makes having to spend time in the kitchen more enjoyable.
 The coffee corner.  Don't you just love the dotted mugs?  A birthday gift from my brother and soon to be sister in law, the mugs make drinking your coffee so fun.
And the last little counter, with it simple decorations.    Hope you enjoyed seeing the finished (for now) kitchen,  I say for now because with people like me you never know what I might change next. 


Charity said...

I L-O-V-E it too!!! Funny, though... I never knew your favorite color is yellow... Mine too! hmm... imagine that!

Those curtains are so pretty!! I may have to "borrow" some of your ideas for my kitchen...

Melissa said...

Go right ahead and borrow all you want, I don't mind at all. Yellow...our great minds think alike. :)

Shirley said...

Just beautiful!

Shirley said...

Just beautiful!

Rachel Clark said...

I love the window idea. I have one that I have been hanging onto for YEARS planning on doing something with it. Great Idea!! The kitchen looks AWESOME!! What a change!

RicKaren said...

Great job! Of course I love the window...mine is one of my very favorite decorations in my whole house! =)