Thursday, December 2, 2010

Days of Christmas - Day 2

I am in Love with Sparkling Grape juice, especially when it is in a stemmed glass. The glass just makes you feel so elegant or something like that. I get the whole bottle to myself too, Eric doesn't really care for it, Yeah more for me. I only let myself buy it around the holidays and then I savor it. I put Piper to bed, pour myself a glass and relax, either by reading, wrapping presents or doing crafty stuff. Let the evening begin!
All I want for Christmas is an attitude. Oh wait, I already have that!
Just had to post this cute picture of Piper, she really is Miss Attitude.


RicKaren said...

Thanks for hosting the days of Christmas again! I always enjoy it so much! I also love sparking does hubby so it is usually a date night thing.

Brittany said...

I love that pic of Piper - it's priceless!!

Jennifer said...

Great posts. Thanks for your Days of Christmas idea. It is so much fun. Have fun with your mom and dad.

PS---I love the little attitude pic.