Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The birth of Piper Jaylin...

Things have finally slowed down a little and I have a few minutes to tell about Piper's birth. It all began Sunday night January 25, I had a terrible stomach ache all night and kept waking about every hour, by Monday morning I had the stomach ache and very bad back pain. I never thought about it being back labor so I went to Mt. Pleasant (25 miles away) to pick up my new glasses, I called my Mom when I was headed over there and told her how I was feeling, she informed me I was probably having back labor, to make a long story short I went ahead and did my shopping and got my glasses at Wal-Mart and then headed home. Once I was home I was having a few more labor "symptoms" and so I called the Doctor, they told me to come into the hospital to determine if it was real labor or false. So Eric came home and we loaded the bags in the car and I was in the hospital by 1:30pm, by that time I was having contractions about 7 minutes apart and they did not go away they got closer together. By 11:00pm I was dilated to a 4 and was told I was not going home. My Mom was on her way to spend time with Heidi B. in Jackson, Mo when all this started so she just came on to Iowa, she arrived around 11:00pm and I was so glad she was there. Thanks for being with me Mom, I love you. By 6:00am I was dilated to 10 and they had me start pushing, that lasted for almost 3 hours. Finally they decided to do a C-section, boy was I glad. The baby was face up and had her head turned, she did not want to come into the world. While I was in the operating room I made the heart monitor go crazy and they had to call in a heart doctor to check everything out, they decided the medicine must have cause the problem. So after all that crazy stuff I finally got to see my Beautiful baby girl Piper Jaylin. I am so thankful for her safe arrival and for such a good baby, she only gets up once in the night and hardly ever fusses. Well I guess that about covers the story of her entrance into the world.


Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa! I am so happy for y'all, and you have a very beautiful baby girl! Sorry you ended up with a C-section, but I hope you have a good recovery.

RicKaren said...

Your story sounds almost exactly like my first baby, only they never did decide to do a c-section...just vaccuumned her out (which was horrible for both of us!) When they suggested a section with baby #2 after only 9 hrs of labor, I was ready!!! I had less pain, and recovery was easier too!
Piper is a very pretty baby and I am so happy for you!!!! Enjoy her...they grow way too fast!

Brittany said...

I'd have to agree with Karen - I love C-Sections! I've never felt a single contraction and I don't feel the least bit deprived for it, either! Besides, C-Sectioned babies are just prettier :) She is just so cute - I wish I could hold her and get my baby fix :) My "babies" are getting too big to hold. So glad you're all doing well and that she is such a good baby - that is a Blessing.

mama2ryleigh said...

Congratulations on your sweet little girl! She is beautiful! Also sorry that you had to go through hours of labor only to end up with a C-section, but I'm sure it was worth it all! ;-)