Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Small Wonders Wednesday

Do your kids have a special "lovey or silky"?   Or did you you have one as a child?   All three of my kids do,  Piper has her duck, bunny and blanket.   And that is just what they are called duck, bunny, blanket or sometimes "silky",  she in not overly fond of naming her "silkies or dolls".   Blake has already become very attached to Mr. Monkey and Miss Brenna loves her Caterpillar.     I don't mind that my children have their stuffed friends, in fact I love it.  They comfort them when they are falling asleep or when riding in the car,  so of course I love it.   

I would love to know if you are enjoying these blog post,  please leave a comment and let me know.  What do you want to know about?   I would love to do a post on something that interest you.     


Sonia said...

I'm LOVING your blog posts...I love seeing the pictures of your little ones and keeping updated on your life as a busy Mommy!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I enjoy your blog!!

RicKaren said...

I'm enjoying it, but I'm amazed that you can find time for it! My girls have all had a favorite blanket to sleep with. Kayla's was mine as a girl. I called it, "hug." She called it "cold blanket" and if it wasn't nice and cool at bedtime, we had to put it on the freezer for a few minutes. Kids!

Charity said...

Yes, I'm loving your blog!! (And I'm with Karen... when do you find time??) ;)

You may remember my blanket... yeah, I was a teen before I gave that one up. I guess I can admit it now that I've passed 30... :P So sweet that your little ones have "lovies!" :)

Melissa said...

Thank you for your sweet comments ladies.
To answer your question about "how do I find time", I just make time. My blogging time is my me time, it lifts my spirits and makes me happy, so I find the time. So neat that most of us had something special blanket/animal as a child.

Brittany said...

Jackson had a floppy bear that he was partial to, but he ended up losing it a few years ago. Carson, very appropriately, has a monkey that he's cuddled up with since he was a baby. Now Weston has a fuzzy turquoise blanket that he has to have when he goes to bed. It's funny because if he's half asleep when we lay him in bed, he'll still grope around in there till he finds that blanket! And only then will he settle down to sleep - but he has to have that blanket first!
Love your posts - love seeing pics of those babies =)