Wow, it really has been a while since I posted, but I have a valid excuse. Our computer is dead...lightning got it. We have had a crazy and fun summer so far. VBS, County fair, July 4th tractor pull, Church camp and much more. I am just going to post so pics of all fun...Enjoy!
Photo descriptions :

Late night grocery run with my little red head.


Loving the smoke at the tractor pull.

Completed her first week of swim exciting.

Sharing some corn.

All that playing at camp makes you thirsty.

First time at a laundry mat...they were fascinated .

Blakes favorite part of camp.

A perfect summer sky.
Sorry about the crazy layout, but I am doing this from my ipad and I have know idea how to get my post the way I want them. Sure hope the rest of you are having a great summer. We go on vacation next week and then I have to get everything ready to start teaching Piper Kindergarten. :)