Hello everyone, wow it has been a long time since I have posted, vacation is over so I guess I should update you on all the happenings. Piper and I went to visit my family in LA for two weeks and had a fabulous time. We went to the beach in South Louisiana with my parents, brother and his girlfriend, great people= great fun. The above picture is of Piper with her Grumpy, they were both tired from a playing at the beach.

Matt and
Beka at the Jungle Gardens on Avery Island, this is the island were Tabasco sauce is made.

Piper and
NeeNee checking out the Tabasco museum.

Uncle Matt hosing Piper off after eating a
Popsicle~ she loves her Uncle Matt.

Mommy and Piper loved the beach. It was a wonderful vacation, I love spending time with my family.