Tuesday morning Eric, Piper and I along with Eric's parents headed to Des
Moines, IA, the guys were going to a farm show and us girls were going shopping, this has become a tradition for the last couple of years. We knew they were saying snow was coming in the afternoon but they have said we were going to have a bad storm so many other times and we didn't that we were not worried about it. To make a long story short by the time we left Des
Moines it was snowing pretty good but the road conditions were not bad so we stopped to eat in
Pella, IA and by the time we left there the conditions had deteriorated greatly. The
visibility was next to nothing, we were only going about 30mph or slower, cars were off the ditch. We stopped and picked up to stranded motorist and took then to a nearby town. After we dropped them off we got back on the highway and were able to follow a snowplow, if would have been almost impossible for us to make it through the drifts if it were not for the plow. We were able to follow the plow all the way to our town but when were tried to take the road out to the country where we live the snow was too deep, so back to town we went, by the way we were only 7 miles from our house. To make a long story a little shorter the two motels in town were full so we ended up spending the night in my Mother
in laws store, so thankful we had a warm place to stay.

We later learned that we had followed some of the last snowplows, when the snowplow got to town he was headed to the shed, they pulled them off the road due to such bad conditions. We just thank the Lord for keeping us safe, many prayers were said on the trip and as you can tell God certainly answered them.

When we finally got home Wednesday morning this is what the front of our house looked like, very welcoming!

Lunch on the patio anyone? There really is a table under there, right by the bird feeder. Hope you enjoyed the snow storm story, this just goes to show that God does listen to our prayers.